Important Information

FSA (Florida Standards Assessments)
Orientation Presentations
Reading Plus Parent Letter:
Back to School Flyer
Summer School Free Lunch Program:
Science Fair Documentation
Jose Marti Boundary Change Notification
Underage Drinking Alert
Positive Parenting
Click On The Following Link for Tutors Contact Information:
2010 Census Fact Sheet:
Navigating Tough Issues:
Beyond The Bell Program Information:
Parent Resource Guide. Select a link below:
Help Support Schools and Education. Click on the following link:
Related Documents:
West Hialeah Gardens Elementary School Media Center will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays nights from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm for check out (Both parents and students), internet and research.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Instructions:
Parent Involvement Survey:
Click on the following link to access the Public Library
Email questions to Webmasters: Ana Martinez or Luis Diaz